Eternity Glasses - 4 Jul 2015

Eternity Glasses
July 4, 2015
By Helen Mullen

When I look at the recent killing spree in South Carolina, I see violence, hatred, racism, evil, and the tragic loss of nine lives. But when I put on my "eternity" glasses, I see something completely different. I see nine precious souls landing safely in heaven because they had their "Jesus parachute" on. In the blink of an eye, they were snatched into eternity and the only reason they landed safely in heaven was because they had repented and trusted in the Savior Jesus Christ (the "parachute"). Without Christ, the hard Biblical truth is that they would have fallen into suffering and misery in hell for all eternity.
Still wearing my "eternity" glasses, I turned and looked at my family and friends and my heart sank because God showed me that many of them do not have the "Jesus parachute" on. After much prayer for courage and wisdom and humility, I am now talking with my loved ones about eternal things, warning them about the very real danger of hell, and explaining God's amazing love for us in sending His Son Jesus Christ to take the punishment for our sins. While loving on people, serving them, and being a good example draws people near to God and His goodness, it does not warn people of the reality and danger of hell, nor does it tell people about Jesus' sacrifice on the cross or how to be saved.

I would like to encourage you to put on your "eternity" glasses and look around. Who do you see? Your spouse? Your children? Grandchildren? Your parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews? Your friends? Are they wearing a "Jesus parachute"? If not, or if you're not sure, I want to encourage you to talk with them. Talking with people about eternal truths is not a special calling for the chosen few, but an act of love we can all do.

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