The Bible’s Way
15, 2015
Jeri Jefferson
the past I have been asked, "What is your passion? I could never honestly
answer, because I enjoy doing many things, I am supper content to be a part of
making something wonderful happen, I like learning new and interesting things
from the older and the younger from the wise and the smart, I like going places
I've been and new places I've heard of. I love reading, sewing,
encouraging others to reach and not give up, I like good movies as much as I
like a good book. The last few years I've began to appreciate simply
walking because there was a time I couldn't walk without pain so I became aware
of how precious walking is. I like cleaning because I like my surrounding
clean. When I think about passion I think about something burning deep
inside that must come out no matter what. There
is one thing that could be called a passion and it makes my heart leap
with outrageous joy, evoking very strong
feelings. It happens when I learn and when I share what I know about the bible. I've come to know that whatever
I learn and willingly share may encourage another to take the never ending
journey into the Bible's way.
We can never go wrong living life the Bible's way. Having the things I enjoy line up with what the bible teaches causes a calm beyond measure in my life. I call the bible, God's manual for people to live by. Since I am a person it’s my manual too. The bible teaches us that we have been given choices in this life to set up for the next life. I want people to know that there is so much more than just going to church for the followers of Christ. We are the church. Christians are to learn, Christians are to grow and the Christian's life is to develop in a healthy way, as the result of a favorable environment in the Church. The Christian can then share what we are learning, how we are growing and how we must continue to flourish. Acts 20:28
am so grateful when sharing with others and when I see them realize that
everyone needs the Savior of the bible and that everyone needs to maintain a
true relationship with Christ our savior. A relationship that allows us
to continuously know that there is a Father, a Son and a Holy
Spirit that desires to lead us into all truths. I am grateful when others
come to know that a relationship with Jesus guarantees that we are a full part
of the family of God.(a Christians) It guarantees that no matter what you
have done, when you understand your wrong, and sincerely ask Jesus to forgive
you(repent), God because of Christ will not only forgive you but forget that
sin as counting against you. Philippians 2:4-6. I smile from ear to
ear when I hear myself say to others that every person is eligible for this
heavenly grant, every person is given the right to be called a son or daughter
of God by following the Bible's way. I am delighted when others began to know
that when we (humans) sin (the breaking, or transgression, of God's law), it
creates consequences (responsibility for each sin), both naturally and
spiritually. I am excited when others began to read the bible
and find that it teaches that the penalty for sin is death, and how Jesus
has already paid every debt for us. All Christian believe (accept the fact
that Jesus is the son of God and the only way to the father is through the
son). Romans 8:33-35
One purpose of the Church(a gathering of people who have said yes to learning and living the Bible's way, hurting people wanting help, people wanting to know, people wanting to harm ) is for the prayed up, studied up, leaders to love and teach the Bible's way to all people that will listen.
I am almost giddy when I see people begin to understand their need to grow and reach out for their spiritual potential. It’s wonderful to witness their desire to become ready to be use by God, to help others. Everyone need to be encouraged to stay on task..
is pretty hard to be by yourself so I encourage others to find a church where
you can learn and grow in Christ and make your goal to become of use to
Pray asking God to help you find where he wants you to be a growing
Know that you must visit churches to find one where you fit and if
they fit you.
doubt that Jesus loves you and Jesus will always forgive you when
you falter, we have all failed somehow and come short of
the Glory of God, I joyfully tell all that He never sleep nor slumber he
will hear you. Roman 3:23
Each day I will take the time to stretch my muscles, purposely acknowledging the gift of breathing and the love of God in giving us the gifts of prayer and repentance and my blessing of being able to walk painless most days now but, my most precious passion has become and will remain encouraging all to know and live the Bible's way.
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